Personal power is understanding one’s creative consciousness and relating to the Greater Creative consciousness from which we come. Creative Consciousness is the medium of the Whole and we are each individual parts of it.

The Power manifesting all things in the world is Creative Intelligence, specific and true, manifesting life and everything good. Each of us is an extension of It’s Power; Individual, mental energy centers of Creator consciousness endowed with the personal power of determinate will which is also the power of discerning. Our thought transmissions are taken up by the Greater consciousness which manifests, producing for us our own specific visions, beliefs and thoughtful ideas.

The Greater consciousness working for us, works as It does, the absolute perfect power Creating all things through the activity of  It’s own Law of Good. The live’s we lead depend on our individual choices and beliefs. When we choose ideas that align with the Law of Good manifesting in the world we gain understanding that life is a brilliant opportunity to put our personal knowledge to work and fulfill our purpose of co-Creating.

Developing one’s ability to direct one’s personal thought as a creative thinker is the purpose for which we have come to embodiment. Life embodied is meant to teach us the understanding of how to co-create through our unification with the Greater Power. The Omnipotent has brought every one of us into the world so that we may understand how to live as a vessel and outlet of the Good manifesting. To ultimately create perfect possibilities.

It is lack of awareness and binding fears that put us at odds with the Good Life we came here to experience. When one puts fear and grievous thoughts into the Greater consciousness, one is essentially calling upon the chaotic energies of the world, attracting trouble and hardship in our lives. The Creative Intelligence is symbiotic, allowing each of us to master our own reasoning power/determination. We can and are truly meant to perfect and direct our personal intentions toward creating an ideal reality. The necessary ingredient is to use one’s optimal idealism in imagining perfect possibilities.

Note to my readers;

In support of all who face challenges in changing times, I have posted this article even though it similar to the following one, “The Future is Ours”. I have done so as an offering of greater clarity in what feels like urgent times. My hope is to encourage each person to knowingly understand the true nature of their own Divine Reason and willing intentions.

With Great Love,

Mendy Lou